Ondřej Měkota
Machine Learning Engineer at Heureka.cz. I’ve read computational linguistics at Charles University in Prague.
You can find me on Github, LinkedIn or you can send me an email.
- August 2021 – now Heureka Group; Machine Learning Engineer
Our team designs and runs a machine learning pipeline for offer/product matching. I work with neural networks, transformer language models, random forest models. We train and deploy using Gitlab CI/CD, Kubernetes, Google Cloud Platform, MLFlow, Neptune, DVC, Ray. - December 2021 – now Czechitas; Lecturer
Czechitas is non-profit organisation; I teach Python courses - July 2020 – June 2021 SAP; Data Science Intern
I worked on pattern mining in logs stored in an ElasticSearch cluster. - October 2020 – February 2021 University of Jena; Contract Software Developer
Short-term project. I developed a pipeline for morphological tagging, lemmatization and alignment in 30+ languages.
2019–2021, Master’s (Mgr.) in Computational Linguistics
Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University. My thesis is on link prediction in inferred social network. I graduated summa cum laude. -
2016–2019, Bachelor’s (Bc.) in Computer Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University. My thesis is on GAN-based anomaly detection.
- programming
- Python (with ML, data packages)
- I’ve written several blogposts about Python
- some knowledge of C++, C, bash and Go
- basic C#, PHP, and JavaScript skills
- machine learning
- knowledge of recent deep learning methods
- thorough knowledge of ‘common’ ML methods, unsupervised learning, graph neural networks
- thorough knowledge of ML used for natural language processing (machine translation, NER, semantic/syntactic/morphological analysis): transformers, word embeddings, HMMs, CRFs,…
- MLOps, hands on experience with deploying and maitaining large scale models in production
- reinforcement learning
- hands on experience with implementation of state-of-the-art ML methods, e.g. transformer, in PyTorch and Tensorflow
- databases
- ElasticSearch, Redis, PostgreSQL
- devops
- Docker, Kubernetes, Google Cloud, MLFlow, Neptune.ai, Gitlab CI/CD
- vim-python-docstring
An open source plugin for Vim to automatically generate docstrings for Python source code.
Downloaded by several thousands of users every year.